A Psychic's Daily Adventures!

Browse through reality T.V. style psychic happenings in my life. A regular account of my visions, readings and psychic predictions on celebrities, politicians, weather, sports & more.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Reiki level II attunement and charging crystals with Reiki

It's been 7 long days since I posted anything on this blog..There have been too many things going on to jot them all down..I will try. Here it goes...

Reiki level II attunement was very empowering with I being introduced to new symbols and techniques. The most powerful technique in Reiki is that of distance healing with which you can focus healing energy to people / events in past, present and future. Hard to believe? I would say, try Reiki! :)

I have become more sensitive to energy around me after my Reiki level II attunement. I wonder if the emotional turmoil that I am going through is a part of emotional/mental cleansing part of Reiki...

The night before last I cleansed my crystals : amethyst, rose quartz and clear quartz under the light of the moon. These crystals enjoyed a moon bath from the window sill for the whole night. The next morning I charged them with Reiki annoucing the purpose of charging for each of the crystals. I charged Amethyst that stays under my pillow at night, to help my clairvoyance and prevent nightmares. Last night I did not experience nightmares, instead, general dreams of non-scary nature. :) Rose quartz also stays under my pillow and this has been charged to bring in more love..:) I can say that it is working too..:D As for clear quartz, I am not so sure, but I will take time to conclude if the charging worked or not...:roll:

My card of the day drawn from the Mythic tarot deck is 'Death'. Looks like I will be pushing hard to make a transition or to get something done for good...So far it has been a difficult day since morning.:(

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Psychic musings : Of 'J'ack trail & seeing hues on faces..

Last night, as I tried to sleep, I pondered over my spirit guides and guardian angels.. I wished that my spirit guide that helps me with readings give me a message. A Goddess like lady wearing a crown, emerged from the clouds.. And then the letter 'J' appeared. Words like 'jockey', 'jack fruit' followed. This morning, while driving to work, a car right in front of me drew my attention amidst heavy traffic. This card had a single word 'Jerome' written on it rear. This instantly struck me as a continuation of yesterday's trail of 'J'! :) Lets see where this leads me to.. Drop by often to see where this quest with 'J' ends up.

This evening, while driving back from work, I saw a flash of blue colour on my husband's jaw. Like somebody had run 2-3 fingers along his jaw line. This flash of dark, rich blue was so clear and obvious to my eyes that I was a little surprised to see it. I do notice tiny sparkling spots of colour around people and their auras, but this gush of colour on his check was very clear. Does anyone have any interpretations for this?

Visit www.astraltrail.com for free psychic goodies! :-)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Of astral travel, Reiki, spirit guides and Mythic Tarot

Last night, as I tried to sleep off, I felt frequent jolts like I was falling back to ground. This seems to be the case of falling back into the physical body during astral travel. I did not start out with the intention of astral travel, but I had been feeling quite in a trance after an evening of meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises) and readings in the evening. I cannot emphasize enough the peace and trace like state breathing exercises can bring about.

I felt a little afraid on feeling these jolts again and again but I knew this was okay. Many times my hands and feet felt like they fell back into my body after a short split second time of floating. I have had these experiences before wherein I felt that my whole body was floating a teeny weeny bit above the bed. :)

I will also be going for my Reiki level II attunement this Sunday. Trying to brush up on all the related stuff like chakras, Reiki I hand positions etc.

Recently I have had issues with new spirit guides coming in and going out of my meditations.Sometimes I feel that there are too many of them coming forward and that leaves me confused. I know for sure that Cynthian and Redmond are my spirit guides, but I have been kind of pushing myself to know other guides too. Last evening, in my meditation I decided that instead of trying to put a face to my guides, I will focus more on the advice they 'show' me in my mind's eye. Last evening's meditation gave me some positive news about my software engineering career. Lets wait and watch.

I have recently purchased the Mythic Tarot deck and am liking it extremely. The pictures are so descriptive and the book with card interpretations based on Greek mythology works synergetically to draw out the meanings of the cards. I love this deck. Not to mention that the highly qualified psychologist Juliet Sherman-Burke is my favorite tarot author. :)

Michael Jackson has come off scot-free. As expected. Lets leave that poor guy alone and carry on with our lives. I have had over 200 people come to my blog looking for 'Michael Jackson trial' predictions!

Visit www.astraltrail.com for free psychic goodies! :-)

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Psychic Predictions 2005 [Celebrities] : Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie

Here's the tarot reading I did for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, given that so much is being written about them in the media.

1. Present state of things : The Magician
This card shows that all the necessary conditions are met, all the necessary arrangements are in place. There is a lot of energy and a sense of purpose. Both of these people are very capable and driven and that's what drives them closer.

2. Brad Pitt's view : The Hierophant
He is your conventional guy who seems to have found in Angelina his mirror image, the key to all the mysteries. Brad feels like there is some sort of a higher purpose and a divine connection that is being created between him and Angelina. He likes it that the two of them are a lot alike.

3. Angelina Jolie's view : The Chariot
She is more like the one who barges ahead for what she wants and believes in. This relationship is like opening of floodgates for her. She will not hold back, in spite of speculations and gossip.

4. Where are they headed : 4 of Wands
Merry times together, even into some kind of a ceremony. Could this be an engagement or a wedding? This card also indicates that the couple may not make a real effort to hide their togetherness.

5. Long term future : 3 of Wands, The Tower
Over a period of time, the big picture will not look so pleasant and the relationship may crumble as a result of disillusionment for the parties.

Visit www.astraltrail.com for free psychic goodies! :-)