Psychic Phenomena : Meditation to know friendly spirits around me
It has been a long time since I posted here. I am out of my writer's block and ready to roll out blog entries after blog entries. Many things have happened during this while. Any given day, some such thing happens that leaves me convinced for the umpteenth time of the invisible forces in and around us.
This evening I decided to meditate to know about friendly (harmless) spirits that are / may be around me. After a small prayer and a protection ritual, I sat down in a meditation and waited for some information to appear before my mind's eye. Or even some signals such as a gush of wind or chills in any part of the body.The first one to appear in my mind's eye was my spirit guide, a horned owl. Then he went on to describe how he is around when I am doing readings. After that I waited to know of other spirits around me. Then I saw a young man with dark hair and a black coat. He had a handkerchief wrapped around his face so that only his eyes and forehead were visible.A name Simon occured to me. Simon was seen arranging papers in my work area and also helping me in the kitchen. I wish to explore this further in my meditations. I shall post the updates. Simon looked quite unhappy about some math problems at school and also about his appearance. But he seemed like a helpful person. None of the images showed him trying to talk to me. He was just arranging stuff around me.During this time, I felt a chill in a small spot near my leg that was touching the meditation mat. The mat was quite warm, but this small spot felt ice cold.
Coincidence? Nah! Remember, there are no coincidences!
PS : Do not try this at home. Spirit communication must not be attempted without proper protection rituals.
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