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Monday, September 12, 2005

How to learn to see auras using a bottle of Listerine

Seeing auras is not the forte of a few 'gifted' ones alone. Everyone can learn to see auras through a little practice. Here we see how one can sharpen their auric sight using simple, household things.
  1. Procure a full bottle of blue Listerine mouth rinse. We choose a blue-green color here because the aura color given out is distinct and easily noticeable.
  2. Place the bottle against a light background, perhaps a wall and station yourself about 7 feet away from the bottle.
  3. Relax and take a few deep breaths. If not anything, this will help you get into the mood of aura gazing. If you sense bad breath, don't hesitate from taking a few gargles from the bottle.
  4. Be comfortable enough in your position as to not be distracted by little itches and pins and needles. Steer your gaze in the direction of the bottle.
  5. Try NOT to see the bottle, but look everywhere around it. Pretty much like what you would do while day dreaming or gazing. If your eyes become watery, don't worry. I have experienced that a little water in the eyes actually helps one to 'unfocus' enough to be able to see the aura. If you find your eyelids starting to feel droopy, even better! Tired, droopy, watery eyes are the perfect tool to catch that glimpse of an aura.
  6. Within a few seconds of gazing, you may notice a slight film of color near the bottle out of the corner of your eye. This 'corner of the eye' is your peripheral vision, that helps you to see auras. There is a reason why grown ups have to resort to using their peripheral vision to see auras. This film of color may be a little shifted from the bottle, and that's okay.
  7. The most important part of this exercise is to learn to maintain the focus of the eyes by constantly gazing at the same area. If you move your eyes away from the area, because you get excited on getting a glimpse of color or because you get bored, poof! the aura is gone! For those who have an interest in photography, it is like increasing the exposure time to capture more detail. Any shaking at this time and the detail is lost!
  8. One last thing, what color are you going to see around the Listerine bottle? I am not writing that color here. Why not try for yourself and let me know what you saw? I will post the color in about a month or so.
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