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Monday, August 08, 2005

Repeated tarot cards in a reading : the subconscious way of rubbing it in!

Here is an example for how our subconscious drives the point home and rubs it in till we get the message.. :) Something has been bothering me lately and I have been using the tarot to receive guidance in this area.

I did a tarot reading for myself about a week ago in this regard. Well, the message of the cards was that I need to loosen up a bit and hang in there. The card that turned up in 'what I need to know' position was the 4 of Pentacles, indicating that I may have been a little uptight and insecure about the whole situation. Very well, point taken. The 'suggested course of action' was indicated by the Hanged Man, meaning I need to go through this, face the situation coolly and basically hang in there.

I cannot say this is what I wanted to hear because at that time I was quite unhappy. But these 2 cards remained in my mind.

Last evening I sought the divine guidance of the tarot once again, on the same issue, wondering if the tarot gods had changed their mind. Yeah, repeated readings on the same topic is exactly the kind of thing I warn my sitters against, but sometimes a girl is left with no choice! :|

So I took a deep breath and drew out 3 cards. Not to mention that the two cards that turned up in the position of 'need to know' and 'suggested course of action' where the 4 of Pentacles and the Hanged Man respectively! Phew!! Who am I trying to fool here? I know the pattern that has been repeating and the tarot cards are screaming at me to learn my lesson.

Not only that, I had also drawn a card to guide me whenever I felt a little down because of this issue. The Sun card turned up to cheer me up. This is the card of cheer, warmth, energy and upbeat mood! This Saturday as I sat shuffling my cards while watching T.V., the Sun card showed at the bottom of the deck again and again. At that time I had been a little upset because of the same issue but the Sun card turned up again and again to cheer me up.

OK, point taken, again. I am going to chill from now onwards and everything else can go to (wherever it wants to).

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