A Psychic's Daily Adventures!

Browse through reality T.V. style psychic happenings in my life. A regular account of my visions, readings and psychic predictions on celebrities, politicians, weather, sports & more.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Psychic Predictions : The Case of the Missing Cook

My cook Geeta just disappeared from the scene all of a sudden 5 days ago. 3 days passed by without a speck of news from her. No calls, nothing. It was the night of the 4th day when I was about to sleep that I concentrated on her. And I could see images of her (in my mind's eye) with her two kids and a vehicle behind her. Her absence had to do with her kids. Then one of the kids, a young boy became prominent in the image. There came a feeling that it had to do with him, his health. Nothing seemed too serious, so I dozed off..

Last morning Geeta rang the door bell. Hardly had she entered the house that she started telling me how sorry she was about being absent. I calmed her down and told her how I already knew her son was taken ill etc. and that she need not worry about missing work for a couple days. She validated that her son was indeed taken ill and she had to take him to a doctor out of state. The vehicle seen in the visions was indicating that she actually travelled with her kids.

So she's back and doling out breakfast and dinner like fast food, something that she does best! :)

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