A Psychic's Daily Adventures!

Browse through reality T.V. style psychic happenings in my life. A regular account of my visions, readings and psychic predictions on celebrities, politicians, weather, sports & more.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Seeing Chakra Colours and Visions During Reiki Treatment

As a part of my 21 day cleansing process after my Reiki Level I attunement, I perform daily full body treatment for myself.

Yesterday I closed my eyes while doing this self treatment. As I placed my hands on each chakra, I could see the colour associated with that chakra and certain visions related to the condition of the chakra. Not to mention that it was a very ethereal experience. :)

Afterwards I did the full body treatment for my hubby dearest and the colours and visions at each chakra followed. The visuals seen in the mind's eye were so clear and distinct that there was no doubt in my mind that I was indeed seeing the information related to each of his chakras.

One more thing that I have noticed after being attuned is that not only have my psychic visions become clearer, but also that for each situation, I am seeing a new set of pictures instead of the certain pictures repeating again and again for unrelated situations. In other words, looks like the vocabulary between my conscious mind and my subconscious mind has expanded quite a bit. Which is a good thing. :)

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